What would you do if someone sat down with you and explained to you that there would be no more little girls ever if you didn't help find a solution to an impossible problem? What if it meant sacrificing your life like a guinea pig? What if it meant that you and your children would suffer unspeakable pain, with no recognition, no awareness of this fact for years, decades to come? What if you knew, beyond a reasonable doubt that there would be no more humanity, period, if people like you didn't give your lives and your posterity up in the name of the nameless quest? Would you refuse the task, knowing that if you refuse, not only will you die, but so will everyone else, everywhere? Would you? And if you would refuse, do you really deserve to live? Now consider this. In the beginning, it was all volunteers. Every one who was involved knew exactly what they were sacrificing. They knew why they were giving up their lives, their children, their ability to speak freely. But it got too big. And they began finding out things they could not know. And it was decided that the only way that this Project, this last hope of mankind could continue would be in absolute secrecy. Not only couldn't volunteers be told what they were volunteering for, they couldn't know they were volunteering at all. But if they could be told, if they could given the privilege of informed consent, they would, each and every one, step up to the needles and probes willingly and without hesitation. But if they *were* told, the project would fail, and their sacrifice would be in vain. Because although humans are capable of being noble to the core, pain is an uneven tempering agent. Some humans are made of stronger metal than others. Some, when the fire of alien dna was searing through their veins, could endure it unto death knowing that it was for a cause, which if not good, was at the very root, necessary. Some could not. Some would, howling in pain, curse the project and the men who created it, not caring that an answer to their prayers would spell the death of humanity. It is very difficult for a parent to watch a child suffer. Many of the first ones were volunteers, glad to step forward, but where they could be strong for themselves they could not for their children, who had less choice but who were every bit as important. A weeding out process was created where those who could set aside their humanity for the sake of humanity stayed and those who could not, were, for the sake of humanity, silenced one way or another. Really. What else could we do? What else could we know how to do? Mulder thinks he is on the side of the truth. In this case, his precious truth will kill us all. We are only fortunate in that his bumbling attempts to uncover it have managed to work to our advantage more often than not. His quest makes the truth seem implausible and ridiculous. With no credibility, the truth is meaningless, and Mulder has lost credibility. I just wonder who he thinks he's saving? Our quest may save humanity. His may save humans, for a time, but will destroy us all ultimately should he somehow manage to pull his head from between his buttocks and look at what's in front of him. Sometimes I think he knows this. Although he professes to be on a quest for truth, I've seen him drop leads which could have ripped us wide open and turned humanity into a red stain on a black sea. Who is more evil? Those who kill many to save more, or those who save a few and destroy all?